Spaghetti with Clams
4 servings Preration time - 30 minutes
Ingredients 1lb very fresh clams 10oz of spaghetti (about two-thirds of a box) 1 handful of sea salt, for the pasta water 3 cloves of garlic 1 handful of parsley, chopped 5oz of dry white wine 5 tablespoons of Mistral oil Salt and pepper to taste
chop the garlic, and put it in a 4 quart pot to fry with the 5
tablespoons of Mistral. Immediately put 3 quarts of water on to boil on
a high fire. Wash the clams well. When the garlic begins to become
golden, add the clams. Keep the fire on medium at all times. Cover the
clams. After 4 minutes, add the white wine, and leave uncovered until
the alcohol has evaporated. Cover the clams, and leave cooking for
another 4 minutes, then turn off the fire, and leave covered.
the meantime, the water will have come to a boil. As soon as this
happens, add the salt and pasta. Stir well so as to dissolve the salt,
and taste the water: it should taste pretty salty. Don't cover, and
boil the pasta for as long as is suggested on the box, minus two
minutes. When the pasta is ready, drain it in a colander, and add it
immediately to the clams. Finish cooking the pasta with the clams for
two minutes at a high heat, stirring gently a few times. Turn off the
fire, add the chopped parsley, mix gently once more, and serve.
You will probably want some fresh bread, such as ciabatta or pugliese, since this pasta has a very flavorful and abundant sauce.

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