"The artisans at Apollo Olive Oils honor their craft from orchard to press and bring the nuances of both the different varietals and the diversity of the terroir that most other olive oil producers do not achieve. These oils have the diversity to be either the focal point of the dish or utilized to embellish the ingredients with which they are paired. Apollo olive oil products are as ethereal as the God they were named for."
Executive Chef of The Lodge at Pebble Beach, Jeff Jake

"I would like to thank you for introducing me to Apollo Olive Oils. In my cookbook, "Spanish Doors, Dishes, and Dreams" the majority of the recipes call for olive oil. In Spain it is unheard of to cook without olive oil. In the process of writing the cookbook, I prepared every dish that appears in the book, always making a point of using Spanish olive oil, thinking that there was no comparison. I was wrong. I have changed my opinion after trying Apollo Olive Oil. Now I almost always use Apollo. It is especially tasty on the recipes that call for drizzling olive oil over a dish. It is great in many of the tapas and salad recipes. Thanks again."
Francie Martinez Vicondoa, author of "Spanish Doors, Dishes, and Dreams"
 "Using Apollo Olive Oil is like starting with a great wine. It invites you to organize the whole meal around it. It will never be just an ingredient. Its freshness, its complexity and its aromas--what aromas!-- take recipes to a different, unexpected level."
Lynne Sanders, Bistro Aix, London

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