Gianni’s favorite saying was learned during his Northern Italian childhood, around the production of the world’s finest balsamic vinegar: "Always turn better into best". It serves as a kind of unofficial motto for Apollo Olive Oil.
Our aim is not just to make one of the world’s great olive oils. Our aim is to do so in a way that is thoroughly integrated with our lives. Working together to make the oil, and to make it constantly better, is a catalyst for deepening our friendships. And the oil that emerges is never merely a product that we sell to others, but an active component in our lives, as we strive to make them rich, interactive, joyful.
There are three principles that we keep always before us as we work. The first is a conviction that working tirelessly toward excellence is a reward in itself, and that it is the most direct way to make our own lives excellent.
The second principle is to promote health, in the land that provides us with olives and in the bodies that consume the resulting oil. This principle causes us to drive deeply into sustainable, organic farming practices (see ). It is also at the base of our relentless pursuit to extract every anti-oxidant possible into our oil (see , ).
And the third principle is to keep deepening our appreciation of food, and how it nourishes pleasure, presence and friendship. Food, lovingly prepared and attentively enjoyed, builds much more than healthy bodies: it builds a community wherein the soul as well as the body might flourish.

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